My Home in the West of Ireland…

All the photos were taken by either my husband or me. 🙂

A winters night at my home.
A foggy night in Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim.
The sun is setting on the beautiful Mullaghmore coastline, County Sligo, Ireland.
Abandoned boat at Rosses Point, County Sligo, Ireland.
Waiting On The Shore, Rosses Point, County Sligo, Ireland.
Let’s take a break at the coffee shop, Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland.
The beautiful Glencar Lough, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Lonesome donkey on a cold snowy morning close to home, Leitrim, Ireland.
Derelict but charming cottage on the Gleniff Horseshoe, County Sligo, Ireland.
Windsurfing in Sligo, Ireland
Another derelict house on the Gleniff Horseshoe, County Sligo, Ireland.
Fish restaurant in Mullaghmore, a great end to a great day at the beach – Sligo, Ireland.
A light dusting of snow on the majestic Benbulbin mountain, County Sligo, Ireland.
Glencar Waterfall, County Leitrim, Ireland.
A close up of Benbulbin mountain, County Sligo, Ireland.
Sunset on Lough Gill, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Parkes Castle on the shores of Lough Gill, County Leitrim Ireland.
Misty morning on Rowan Lough, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Giants grave, near Lough Gill, County Leitrim, Ireland.
The Milky Way above mum’s cottage in Leitrim.
Snowy morning in the back garden, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Rare sunning day sitting out in the front garden – County Leitrim, Ireland.
My son and niece at Mullaghmore Beach, County Sligo in the west of Ireland.
Great day for boating in Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Bad weather rolling in over Benbulbin mountain, County Sligo, Ireland.
Foggy evening in Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Sligo, Ireland.
Driving home from Sligo past Lough Gill, County Leitrim, Ireland.
Lough Key Forest Park on triathlon day – County Roscommon, Ireland.
Mullaghmore Harbour, Sligo, Ireland.
Lough Rynn Castle, County Leitrim, Ireland
Lough Rynn Castle from the other side. County Leitrim, Ireland.
The blue hour on Lough Gill, County Leitrim, Ireland.
My auntie Maxine (blonde) sadly passed a couple of years ago. Gleniff Horseshoe, County Sligo, Ireland.

One thought on “My Home in the West of Ireland…

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